Tools For All Your Fundraising Needs is a fast, simple and secure fundraising platform.

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Easily sell tickets online with not per ticket fee
Tools For All Your Fundraising Needs
Your online catalog is genterated automatically

Trusted by Thousands of Clients

Big Brothers Big Sisters Logo
Denver Street School Logo
Evansville Day School Logo
Madison Public Library Logo
Montessori School of SanAntonio Logo
Oklahoma Food Bank Logo
Saint Dominic Parish And Schools Logo
Snow Leopard Trust Logo
Worcester Academy Logo
Young Life Logo
Big Brothers Big Sisters Logo
Denver Street School Logo
Evansville Day School Logo
Madison Public Library Logo
Montessori School of SanAntonio Logo
Oklahoma Food Bank Logo
Saint Dominic Parish And Schools Logo
Snow Leopard Trust Logo
Worcester Academy Logo
Young Life Logo

Features for Any Type of Fundraising Auction

Want to have an in-person gala? An online silent auction? A virtual live auction? A hybrid of all of these? has everything you need to put on the right style of auction for your community.

Online bidding screenshot
Mobile Bidding screenshot

Online Auctions/Mobile Bidding

A choice of templates makes it easy to create unique online campaigns for all of your ancillary fundraisers: crowdfunds, annual giving, online stores, pre-orders, event tickets, membership dues, pledge-athons and so much more. Check out our demo site here.

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Templates simplify creating unique online campaigns for fundraising activities like crowdfunds, annual giving, and more.

Fundraising Campaigns

Our school auction software provides a choice of templates to create unique online campaigns for all of your fundraisers: crowdfunds, annual giving, online stores, event tickets, memberships, and so much more. Check out our demo site.

Start Your Free Trial
Desktop screenshot of our voting contests
Mobile screenshot of our voting contests

Voting Contests

Looking for a fresh fundraising twist? Voting contests allow your supporters to vote for their favorite artwork, ugly pet, in-person event performance — the possibilities are endless. Each vote is a donation to your organization!

Start Your Free Trial
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Funds Raised


Guests Served


Bids Processed

Don't just take our word for it

I LOVE this system! It is easy to use and navigate and the help we receive from your company is outstanding.

Mary M.Holy Spirit Catholic School

Between the super-responsive support staff and the excellent documentation, I never felt lost at sea, which means quite a lot.

Tatianna P.Girls, Inc. of Alameda

I researched the different auction software systems that are out there and hands down was the best choice. I can’t say enough about what great service we’ve gotten over the past few years.

Stacey SMarshall Lane Elementary School

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owl wings
owl waving wing owl waving body